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Path: berlin.topnet.de!news
From: "Prof. Sigram Schindler" <sigram@teles.de>
Newsgroups: de.comm.isdn
Subject: Re: Hilfe: Teles GmbH Berlin bezahlt die Gehaelter nicht
Date: 22 Mar 1996 16:32:27 GMT
Organization: TELES AG
Message-ID: <4iukmr$c6m@server.berlin.topnet.de>
References: <4ir63t$hik@cloner4.netcom.com>
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Re: Hilfe: Teles GmbH Berlin bezahlt die Gehaelter nicht
For a few weeks, Mr. Lang has been posting mails on the net containing
some wrong information about TELES.
Here is the position of TELES Corp toward Mr. Lang and his history.
1) First of all, TELES Corp (USA) is from a legal point-of-view
independent from TELES GmbH Berlin (today TELES AG). It just happens to
have one share-holder in common. It is very unclear why Mr. Lang is
associating TELES GmbH (today TELES AG) to his problem.
2) Mr. Lang has been an employee of TELES Corp for a short period of
time. He had the function of President of the corporation. The owner of
the company decided to terminate the contract with Mr. Lang due to
several reasons, one of them being the tremendous amount of travelling
expenses Mr Lang generated in that period. TELES Corp refused to
reimburse those expenses that were not directly related to business.
3) In addition to this, Mr. Lang claims that several wages have not been
paid. This is simply not true: there are no outstanding payments for the
employees of TELES Corp. Mr. Lang as a president was responsible for
these issues so that it is quite surprising to hear this from him.
4) Mr. Lang is claiming for himself high wages which never were agreed
by the owner of the company. He went to court for these costs. However it
is very unclear how it intends to prove his claims.
5) As a result, the owner of TELES Corp has decided also to go to court
to get back the money Mr. Lang put among other things into travel
expenses that were not justified by the business. If you have already
made bad experiences in the past with Mr. Lang, either professionally or
personally, thank you for contacting TELES Corp, Burlingame, CA
(Tel.:+1.415.652.9191, Fax:+1.415.652.9192).
w_lang@ix.netcom.com(Werner E. Lang ) wrote:
>Ich brauche Hilfe in einem Gerichtsverfahren gegen Teles GmbH und Prof.
>Sigram Schindler
>- Teles GmbH in Berlin
>- Teles Communications Corp., die US Niederlassung in Kalifornien und
>- Prof. Dr. Sigram Schindler als Alleineigentuemer
>wurde wegen mehreren unbezahlten Gehaeltern und nicht erstatteten
>Reisekosten durch den ehemaligen Geschaeftsfuehrer der amerikanischen
>Niederlassung, Werner E. Lang Klage eingereicht.
>Das Verfahren vor dem amerikanischen Gerichtshof in San Mateo, CA wurde
>am 14. Dezember 1995 unter dem Aktenzeichen 394-768 eingereicht.
>Sollten Sie aehnliche Erfahrungen mit einem der Beklagten gemacht
>haben, bitte ich hoeflichst um Mitteilung.
>Alle Informationen werden absolut vertraulich behandelt.
>Werner E. Lang
>Telefon: 001-415-239-0713
>Telefax: 001-415-452-3210
>E-mail: w_lang@ix.netcom.com